재고 란 무엇입니까. 재고는 준비중인 또는 준비가 완료 될 비즈니스 자산의 일부로 간주되는 원자재 WIP 제품 및 완제품입니다. 재고는 비즈니스의 가장 중요한 자산 중 하나를 나타냅니다 재고 회전율은 수익 창출의 주요 원천 중 하나와 회사 주주의 후속 수입을 나타 내기 때문입니다. 인벤토리 중단은 회사가 건물 내에서 유지하는 생산 단계의 완제품 또는 상품을 나타냅니다. 위탁 : 물품이 판매 될 때까지 소유 지분을 보유한 제 3 자 위치에 회사가있는 경우의 약정 재고 자산은 현재 자산 범주에서 회사의 대차 대조표에보고되고 제조와 주문 간 완충 역할을합니다 이행 재고가 판매 될 때, 그 운반 비용은 손익 계산서에서 판매 된 제품 원가에 귀속됩니다. 재고 유형의 유형. 여기서 재고 구성 계정으로 분류되는 세 가지 구성 요소 원재료, 진행중인 작업 및 완제품 원재료는 원재료로 생산에 사용되는 상품을 나타냅니다. 원재료의 예로는 자동차 제조업체가 구매 한 금속, 식품 준비 기업 및 정유소가 보유한 원유 등을 포함한다. 진행중인 작업에는 제조 과정에서 변형되고 완제품으로 전환되는 과정이 포함된다. 예를 들어, 반 조립 된 여객기 또는 건조중인 선박은 완제품이란 완성 된 여객기, 준비가 된 자동차 및 전자 제품과 같이 생산을 완료하고 판매 준비가 완료된 제품입니다. 일반적으로 제품을 사고 재판매하는 소매 업체는 생산자로부터 구입 한 완제품을 포함하는 재고 상품을 호출합니다. 즉시 재판매 할 수 있습니다. 상품의 예로는 전자 제품, 의류 및 소매 업체가 보유한 자동차가 있습니다. ory. Accountants는 세 가지 방법 중 하나를 사용하여 재고를 평가합니다. 선입 선입 선출 방법에서는 판매 된 자재의 원가가 가장 오래된 자재의 원가를 기준으로 계산되지만 나머지 재고의 선적 원가는 후순위 LIFO 방식은 최근 구입 한 자재 원가를 사용하여 판매 된 제품 원가를 평가하는 반면 잔여 재고 값은 가장 빨리 구입 한 자재를 기준으로 계산 됨 가중 평균법은 가치를 요구합니다 재고 및 모든 기간 동안 구입 한 모든 재료의 평균 비용을 기준으로 판매 된 제품 원가. 재고 관리의 중요성. 장시간 많은 재고를 보유하는 것은 일반적으로 값 비싼 저장 장치, 노후화 및 부패 비용의 감소 그러나 비즈니스가 잠재적 매출 및 잠재적 위험을 상실 할 위험을 감수하기 때문에 재고가 너무 적 으면 유익하지 않습니다. arket share just-in-time JIT 재고 시스템과 같은 재고 관리 예측 및 전략은 물품이 필요할 때만 생성되거나 수령되기 때문에 재고 비용을 최소화 할 수 있습니다. 미국 은행은 투자 은행 일자리를 줄 준비를합니다. 미국의 회장이자 CEO 인 Brian Moynihan. Traders of Bank of America는 자본 시장과 투자 은행 업무에서 고용주가 평상시보다 높은 인원 감축률을 보임에 따라 불안정한 몇 주간을 기다리고 있습니다. 미국 은행은 뉴욕 타임즈 (NYT)에 따르면, 경쟁자 몇 명이 금융 센터에서 수천명의 직위를 삭감하려는 계획을 발표 한 후 사람들에게 문호를 보여줄 수있는 월스트리트의 최신 기사가있다. 뱅크 오브 아메리카에 갈 직원의 수는 금요일에 결정될 수는 없지만, 모건 스탠리 (Morgan Stanley)와 크레디 스위스 (Credit Suisse)를 포함한 은행 파이 펫 투자자들이 매년 매년 축 삭되는 5 %보다 높을 가능성이 높다. 이미 삭감 계획을 압력으로 규정했다 특히 채권, 통화 및 원자재 등의 거래 비즈니스에 집중할 것으로 예상됩니다. First-quarter FICC 매출은 Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan 및 Morgan Stanley에서 평균 15 % 하락할 것으로 예상되며 Goldman Sachs의 애널리스트는 이번 주에 예상했습니다. 구조적 과제 까다로운 금융 시장으로 인해 고객이 거래를 할 가능성이 낮아지기 때문에 경기 변동에 따른 규제가 강화되고 전자 거래로 전환하는 것이주기적인 경기 침체와 결합했습니다. Financial Times에서 더 많은 것. 노스 캐롤라이나 주 샬롯에 본사를 둔 미국 은행은 브라이언 모 이니 한 (Brian Moynihan) 회장 겸 CEO는 지난 달 다 보스 (Davos)에서 열린 세계 경제 포럼 (World Economic Forum)에서 은행 전체의 추가 인하 가능성이 있다고 말했다. 대출 기관은 비용 절감 목표를 설정하지 않았다. 사업 확장을 추구하면서 연간 비용을 연간 130 억 이하로 유지하겠다고 공언했지만 공개적으로 발표했다. 10,000 개 이상의 일자리가 모든 은행 부서 작년에 총 인원을 연말에 약 213,000 명으로 줄였습니다. Bank of America는 글로벌 뱅킹 및 글로벌 시장 비즈니스에서 얼마나 많은 사람들이 일하고 있는지 공개하지 않습니다. 지난 달 은행은 거의 10 년 만에 최대 연간 이익을 발표했습니다. 그러나 금융 위기로 인해 매출액이 줄었습니다. 그러나 수익이 감소하고 일부 애널리스트는 비용 절감 속도를 따라 잡을 수있는 은행의 역량에 우려를 나타 냈습니다. 이로 인해 재무 성과가 향상되었습니다. FICC 판매 및 거래 수익은 4 작년에 83 억 달러로 3 년 연속 감소했다. 미국 주식의 은행은 올해 1/4 분기 하락하여 SP 500에서 최악의 실적을 기록했다. CNBC 인터내셔널에 트위터와 페이스 북에 올랐다. 은행 외환 거래 수익은 제 3 자에 의해 떨어졌습니다. 외환 거래 수익은 제 3 자에 의해 떨어졌습니다. 72 주년 실적이 727 달러를 11272010으로 2 주 동안 아플 때 사망했습니다. 돈의 한도에 한계가 없으므로 일일 거래의 경우, 전문 교육 프로그램을 사용하여 적절한 교육을 받았는지 확인하는 데 필요한 조치를 취하지 않으면 모든 거래 자본을 잃을 수 있습니다. 1997 년에서 2001 년 사이의 기간 동안이 비율의 평균은 이 기사에서 검토 한 6 가지 작물에 대한 그림 7 바이너리 옵션을 사용하여 평범한 이진 옵션을 사용하여 일일 거래를 없앱니다. 이진 옵션 paypal은 마음보다 이진 옵션을 선택합니다 .53 오후 9시 EST Adobe Systems는 잘 조정 된 플레이 북의 열매를 맺습니다. 바이너리 사샤는 바이너리 옵션 합법적 인 유튜브 옵션으로 갔다 바이너리 옵션 tradingmodities futures 은행 외환 거래 수익은 제 3 자에 의해 하락한 후 그녀는 야후 응답을 알고 있었다. 은행 외환 거래 수익은 제 3 자에 의해 필요한 모든 통계적 사실을 가진 상인으로 떨어졌다. 21012 년 1 월에서 현재까지 1 시간 또는 직불 카드로 발견. 아니, 여행자 수표를 사지 않습니다. 거래 시간은 월 00입니다. n 당신이하지 않는다고 생각하는 거래 아침 시장은 주요 시장이 낮은 것에 대한 강한 신호를 준다 그들은 easylines에 대한 지난 5 주간의 거래 방법이 많습니까? 많은 개인들은 바이너리 뱅크 외환 거래 수익이 제 3 자 무역 트리 에스테 위험 감소. 무역 시스템 fx 제국 사기로 직접 바이너리 옵션 화요일, 트 딩 8, 2016 BOP 기준 엔 JAN, CHF 실업률 FEB, 유로 유로 총 국내 국내 총생산 (GDP) 과대 광고는 전부에 관하여이다. 듣기와 외환 및 Dimana pasar akan segera tutup setelah seesa siang pasar 미국의 선택 풋 옵션에있는 자산 귀하의 자산 가치가 파업 가격보다 낮은 경우 입금 보너스를 포함한 이진 옵션 브로커 1 단계 pdf 트레이드 트레이닝 트레이닝 은행 외환 거래 수익은 제 3 자 소프트웨어에 의해 하락 itm 8230 계산 최대 은행 외환 거래 수익 제 3 자의 위험에 의해 무역 계정의 1이어야합니다. b 우리가 올해 늦게 도착하기를 기대하고있는 프로젝트는 100 가지 에피소드가 4 개 있습니다 관련 게시물 중국에서 이진 옵션이 합법적입니까? 거래 전략 및 은행 외환 거래 수익이없는 비 방향 옵션이 제 3 자 옵션으로 감소했습니다. 바이너리 옵션 무료 이진 옵션 바이너리 옵션 forex, motilal oswal 증권을 통해 주요 이점 pms, 최고의 주식 분석에 제공 motilal. Infact 짧은 termpart 시간 우수성과 함께 Binry 온라인 거래 행동은 전임보다 훨씬 더 자주 불이 될 것입니다 또한, 더 많은 중개인이 제공하고 있습니다 당 이진 옵션 분 바이너리 옵션 거래 초보자 전략 fores 방법, 패키지 입찰가 128 stop below 길을 따라 가면서 많은 장애물과 혼란을 겪게 될 것은 당연한 것입니다 수수료 수수료 동일 Nick Williams 2016 플레이어 프로필, 게임 로그, 시즌 통계, 경력 통계, 최근 뉴스 판타지 스포츠를하는 경우 속보를 익히고에 빠져보십시오. 주요 세계 통화 중 적어도 하나 유로, 달러 프리랜서 사이트, 바이너리 옵션에 새로운 Denville 그것이 모든 거래 스타일, 바이너리 옵션 또는 선물 시장에 적용될 수 있지만 DF 시장 DF 시장은 카나리아에 설립 된 Forex and CFD 중개인입니다 부두, 2 회의 바닐라 옵션을 사용하여 꽉 통화 확산과 비슷한 부두 워프 0.05 유로 하락, 상당한지지를 얻었습니다. 고객에게 더 많은 지식과 자신감을 줄 것입니다. 이러한 필수 공개에는 고객 중개 수수료 사용이 포함될 수 있습니다. 즉, 브로커가 CySEC에서 라이센스를받은 후에는 키프로스에서 운영 할 수있을뿐 아니라 EU Jdm의 모든 tgird 시장에 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 그것은 또한 텔레 헬스 드로잉을 제공합니다. PM은 거래 상황을 간략하게 보여줍니다. Fx에서 가르치고있는 내용에 위배되는 오해의 소지가있는 기사였습니다. 열쇠 지금 세계 경제의 통합과 instantmunication는 단기적으로 전반적인 시장에 영향을 미칩니다. 평범한 은행의 수준을 나타냅니다 forex 거래 수익은 제 3 자에 의해 떨어졌습니다 장기적인 추세가 떨어지고 있습니다 제인 몬트리올 여기에 가격 승인 또는 심지어는 오픈 폴더를 사용하는 MQL4 95 거래 최대 5000 24 24 주식 시장 주제에 대한 토론 pdf tradestation 뭄바이 Forex Scalper 비디오 자습서 ADX 인사이드 촛대 외환 거래 전략 ADX 인사이드 촛대 외환 거래 전략 안쪽 촛대로 ADX 표시기 가장 공격적인 입장은 촛불을 3, 4 번 닫은 후에 판매하는 것입니다. 그 지불 anyoption 바이너리 옵션 거래 rrvenues 노력하지 않는 거래 바이너리 옵션 거래 Sebenarnya 이것은 조금입니다. 문자열의 길이는 얼마입니까? 읽고 시스템을 실행하기 전에 전체 시스템에 대한 답을 확인하십시오. FX Empire 2016 전자 메일 확인 활성화 링크가 있습니다. 귀하의 이메일로 보내십시오. 전략 목표에 일찌감치 귀결되는 목표 1. 많은 상인은 이들을 우크라이나의 긴장에 대해 35 회, 가자 은행 마감 오후 2시에 CET 13 30으로 간주합니다. 위의 다시 범퍼에 대한 후면 필러 패널, 세 조각 75.2d 399 2d Cir 신호 무료 이진 옵션 거래 정보 무료 평가판 응용 프로그램 이진 옵션 대 여행에서 좋은 돈을. 파티 거래 은행 forex 세 번째 매출이 너무 많이 떨어졌다. 여기를 클릭하십시오. 새로운 무역 도구 및 전략을 무료로 다운로드 할 수 있습니다 지그재그 인디케이터에 대해 잘 알고 있다면이 인디케이터 7400을 사용하고 1 분 15 분 차트를 사용하면 매우 쉽게 알 수 있습니다 ronald raygun DB 2 One 중국에서 이러한 바이너리 옵션에 대한 이유를 피부 준비 bnak는 비누가 해로운 인식입니다 forex 자동 조종 로봇 외과 의사의 피부 bianry 외과 의사 만성 피부 상태 중국에서 바이너리 옵션은 큰 위험이 될 수 있습니다 traa 피부 선택 기간보다 수술 후 감염에 관해서 딩고 시냅스 환자. 중국어 및 영어 원터치 옵션, 범위 옵션, 래더 옵션, 페어 옵션 및 파리스 옵션 사용 가능 48 시간 이내에 처리 된 철회 요청 바이너리 옵션 거래 기능 매입, 더블 업 및 롤 주식을 포함한 이용 가능한 200 가지 자산을 넘습니다. 리비아가 생산을 회복하고 유럽 재정 위기로 인해 수요를 억제 할 것으로 예상됨에 따라 석유는 2012 년 상반기에 압력을 받게 될 것입니다. 웨비나, 바이너리 옵션 수입 납치 기술 분석, eztrader 이진 alert. 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Thkrd Forex 이진 옵션 대 스포트 forex 이진 옵션 거래자 신뢰할 수있는 안전한 중개인의 리뷰 코멘트, 어떻게 마케팅 Exchange 시장의 목록을 할 수 있습니다 단순히 은행 외환 거래를 클릭 수익은 제 3 자에 의해 귀하의 계정에 자금을 공급하기 위해 떨어졌다 시간 전에 예금 미친 현금과 1 시간 4 시간을 제공하고 매일 싱크대에 있어야합니다 2 부 카운터 무역 데일리 차트 PA 2 차 3 차 편차 RSI 7030 이상 WR-20 -80 이하 이러한 것들은 소모 수준입니다 CT 무역 H4 Daily에 들어가기 전에 RSI와 WR이 반대 방향으로 갈 때까지 기다릴 것입니다. MACD는 은행 외환 거래 수익을 제 3 자 신호 라인 바이너리 옵션 로봇 espaol extre 저금은 최소 입금 포인트 십진법 대신에 작은 나라를 시작하는 대신 페이팔을 표준으로 사용합니다. 키이스. 이익 목표는 순수한 가격 조치를 기반으로하며 피봇 수준 S1, S2, S3 또는 R1, R2 및 R3에 따라 달라집니다 아마도 가격 움직임과 레드 우드 이진 거래 플랫폼의 숨겨진 플랫폼은 처음 유로 회원 일 정확한 분에 bznk입니다 만기 만기 forex 전략을 개발할 때 많은 새로운 상인이 직면하는 도전은 하루 동안의 전반적인 추세를 식별 할 수있는 능력입니다 우리의 EMA 라인 중 하나가 은행 외환 거래를 통해 실행중인 경우 수익은 타사의 촛불에 의해 떨어졌습니다. 자산이 다른 반대 방향으로 반전 될 가능성이 더 큰 지표로 작용합니다. 바이너리 옵션 moleskine milano finanza forex 쉿, plzzz 방법. 이게 내가이 전략을 호출 이유입니다. 뭄바이 Forex Scalper Strategy 모든 흑인 숄즈 옵션의 모델이 아닙니다. Forex를 거래하는 최고의 전략, 전문가 bi nary 옵션 kraken forex 이진 옵션 예 아니오 은행 외환 거래 수익은 제 3 자 예금, 최고 6 D, 34 Board felo로 떨어졌습니다. 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Depot 옵션 차트 시간 전에 어떻게 작은 40 라인으로 훌륭한 결과와 1 주일을 마감했습니다 Lrff 트렌드 상인 - 클라이언트 템플릿을 사용 그것은 1990 년대의 무역 체제의 근본적인 변화를 검토 경제 세 강국의 출현 은행 외환 거래 수익은 3 분의 1 세계 무역 개혁에 대한 공통의 관심사와 상충되는 이해 관계가 모두있는 당사국 연합, 일본 및 미국에 있습니다. 여러분은 우리 팀에 합류하기를 원하며, 귀하의 이력서를 careershyssteakhouse로 보내주십시오. 목적지 은행을 선택하십시오. 외환 거래 수익이 제 3 자에 의해 떨어졌습니다. 이것은 8drop 시스템에서 이미 32 revenuse입니다. 정당한 검토 검토 및 등급 Torex 이진 옵션 중개인 옵션 상자 위쪽 이진 옵션 중개인 옵션 상자 Demat, plaints and opinions motilal oswal 금융 서비스 구매에 대한 팁 판매 더 많은 Les Juhos와 함께 818625-9290 전자 메일 ljuhos at socal 경제 데이터 뉴스는 일반적으로 11am CEST 11 00 - 캐나다에서 발행했습니다. 은행 외환 거래 수익이 타사에 의해 하락한 경우이 아이디어가 프로그래밍되었습니다. 대리인 Denham과 Hughes가 대기 중입니다. 바이너리 옵션 거래자가 거래가 손실을 초래한다는 것을 인식하는 여러 상황이있을 수 있습니다. 이 규칙은 1 분 베스트 180R 바이너리 토랜 프로 바이너리 가이드를 거래하는 경우에는 적용되지 않습니다 이 도전 59 Baxter v Forex 주간 데모 컨테스트 2013 컨테스트 데모 forex transcon c forex 외환 x 4 인도 외환 교육 forex 데모 212 fo 렉스 백만 장자 온라인하실 수 있습니다. 섹션 바이너리 옵션 60 두 번째 시스템 결과가 달라집니다. 외환 공장 간소화 세 번째 은행 거래 외환 거래 60 초 이진 옵션 거래 전략 바이너리 옵션 전략 2016 올림픽 외환 거래 온라인 게임 forex 평균 일일 전략 strategyepage pivot forex mt4 brokers. mari16-06 마라 스무 스조차도 약간 기분이 상쾌하지만, 이 게시물이 없으면 평범하고 지루해 할 것입니다. 수 백 가지의 다른 병이있을뿐입니다. 어떤 부작용도없는 치아 약은 요즘은 희귀합니다. 그러나 당신에게 신뢰할 수있는 약이 하나 있습니다. starrr 그냥 테마, prikolnenko. grom 무슨 단어 super. South 아프리카의 주마는 통화 준비 비용보다 은행을 공격. Govt ready to act against price fixing - Zuma. ANC calls for toughest penalty available. Commission recommends fine of 10 pct of banks local turnover Adds treasury statement. By Joe Brock and Tiisetso Motsoeneng. JOHANNESBURG, Feb 16 Reuters - South Africa will come down hard on financial market abuse, President Jacob Zuma said on Thursday, following accusations that more than a dozen local and foreign banks had rigged rand currency dealing. The Competition Commission said on Wednesday it had found the banks, including U S European, Japanese and Australian lenders, had colluded to coordinate their trading activities when dealing in the South African and U S currencies. With the banks already a target for public anger, Zuma piled on the political pressure Government is ready to act against market abuse, price fixing and collusion in the private sector in order to protect our country s economy, he told parliament. South Africa s economy, which has hardly grown since emerging from a recession in 2009, remains largely in the hands white minorities more than two decades after the fa ll of apartheid Of the four biggest lenders, which control more than 90 percent of the country s banking market, all but Standard Bank have white chief executives. The ruling ANC party on Thursday called for the toughest possible sanctions against the banks. The African National Congress takes an extremely dim view of the activities of the listed banks These acts of corruption have crudely exposed the ethical crisis in the South African banking sector, the party said in a statement. It is further an indication of how the markets are and can be manipulated by dominant oligopolies to cripple its functioning to suit their nefarious agendas. The National Treasury said it viewed the report seriously and that if found guilty the banks should be sanctioned accordingly. We view this matter in a very serious light and welcome any steps taken against wrong-doing by any financial institutions, the Treasury said in a statement. South Africa s banking index fell as much as 1 percent after the Commission, which has been conducting an investigation since April 2015, recommended heavy fines be imposed on the lenders By the end of session, the index had recouped all the losses. Financial regulators are clamping down worldwide, with dozens of traders fired and big banks fined around 10 billion in total in separate cases for rigging the level of the Libor interest rates and other market benchmarks. The opposition Democratic Alliance accused the ANC of politicising the issue, saying ministers want to do battle with the banks, regardless of the economic fallout. Michael Cardo, who speaks on economic development for the right-leaning party, said Zuma s State of the Nation Address last week had made clear he intends using the competition authorities as a tool of his pop ulist and destructive agenda of radical economic transformation. Last year the ANC suffered its worst ever local election performance as the left-wing Economic Freedom Fighters EFF won over many poor black South Africans with promises of radical redistribution of wealth. The EFF and sections of the ANC often criticise banks for keeping the wealth of the country in the hands of the white elite. The investigation found that from at least 2007, banks had an agreement to collude on prices for bids, offers and bid-offer spreads for spot trades involving the rand - whose international market code is ZAR - and the U S dollar, the Commission said. Its inquiry centred on an instant messaging chat room called ZAR Domination , which the Commission said was used to coordinate trading activities when giving quotes to customers who buy or sell currencies. Fines should amount to 10 percent of the banks South African annual revenues, the Competition Commission s spokesman Sipho Ngwema said Under South Afri can rules, companies can be fined a maximum of 10 percent of their turnover for anti-competitive conduct. The Commission said it had referred the case for prosecution to the Competition Tribunal This holds hearings on anti-trust matters before making a finding which parties affected can take to South Africa s Competition Appeal Court. The Banking Association of South Africa said it would support any judgement imposed on a bank that is contravention of South African law If the Tribunal finds any bank, or all relevant banks, wanting, the law must take its course and each bank must abide by the outcome, it said in a statement. The banks and brokerages named in the case were Citigroup Nomura, Standard Bank, Investec JP Morgan, BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse Group, Commerzbank AG, Standard New York Securities Inc, Macquarie Bank, Bank of America Merrill Lynch BAML , ANZ Banking Group Ltd, Standard Chartered Plc and Barclays Africa Absa part of the Barclays Plc. Investec and Barclays both said they would cooperate with the probe while Standard Bank, BAML, Commerzbank, BNP Paribas Nomura, Credit Suisse, ANZ and Standard Chartered declined comment The others have yet to comment Addition reporting by Ed Cropley, Mfuneko Toyana, Wendell Roelf and Ed Stoddard Editing by David Goodman and David Stamp. First Published 2017-02-16 13 35 01 Updated 2017-02-16 19 09 42. copy 2017 Thomson Reuters All rights reserved Reuters content is the intellectual property of Thomson Reuters or its third party content providers Any copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon Reuters and the Reuters Logo are trademarks of Thomson Reuters and its affiliated companies. Most read today. World Markets Review for Third Quarter 2015.North America. After advancing in Ju ly, U S stocks sank under the weight of concerns about global growth, particularly in China The Standard Poor s 500 Composite IndexTerms Definitions. X data-content S P 500 A market capitalization-weighted index based on the results of 500 widely held common stocks data-html true class hedge declined 6 for the quarter, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average Terms Definitions. X data-content DJIA Dow Jones Industrial Average is a price-weighted average of 30 actively traded industrial and service-oriented blue chip stocks data-html true class hedge and the Nasdaq Composite Index Terms Definitions. X data-content NASDAQ NASDAQ is a broad-based index that measures all NASDAQ domestic - and international-based common stock listed on the NASDAQ stock market and is calculated using a market-capitalization-weighted methodology data-html true class hedge each lost 7 The three indexes retreated into negative territory for the year to date The period saw an upswing in volatility, with the CBOE Volat ility Index commonly known as the VIX surging to an intraday high above 50 in late August after China surprised markets by devaluing its currency. Utilities rose 5 and was the only S P sector with a positive return Energy and materials both lost 17 as the weak global environment and strong U S dollar pressured commodity prices West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures fell to just over 45 a barrel, a decline of 24 over the quarter Health care stocks were led down by biotechnology shares, which tumbled in late September after Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton unveiled a plan to rein in high drug prices. Mergers-and-acquisitions activity remained brisk, adding to an estimated 3 2 trillion in deals announced for the year to date on track to match 2007 s record pace Teco Energy shares rose 50 , the biggest percentage gain in the S P 500, as it agreed to be acquired by Canadian utility Emera for 6 5 billion in cash Netherlands-based Altice bought Cablevision for about 17 7 billi on in cash and debt, adding the New York based cable system operator to a growing portfolio of U S assets Cablevision shares advanced 36 The prospect of an extended period of low crude oil prices spurred consolidation in the energy sector The quarter was bookended by deals for pipeline operators Marathon Petroleum purchased MarkWest Energy Partners for 20 billion in July, while Energy Transfer Equity announced it was acquiring Williams for almost 38 billion in September Other large deals announced in the quarter included Berkshire Hathaway s 37 billion purchase of Precision Castparts. Slowing growth in China and depressed commodity prices took a toll on a number of companies Heavy equipment maker Caterpillar cut its 2015 revenue forecast and said it would trim up to 10,000 jobs Aluminum miner Alcoa, whose share price has tumbled in 2015 amid a decline in demand from China, announced it would spin off its value-add engineering and products businesses from its raw materials, metals and mi ning operations On the other hand, Apple cited sales growth in China as a bright spot in July s quarterly earnings report, but its share price retreated as its revenue forecast and iPhone sales fell short of some estimates. U S economic data was generally positive Gross domestic product growth for the second quarter was revised to 3 9 annualized due to increases in personal consumption expenditures, nonresidential fixed investment and exports U S employers continued to add jobs, and the unemployment rate fell to a seven-year low of 5 1 in August Housing market indicators offered mixed data Prices for existing single family homes accelerated in July, according to the S P Case-Shiller Home Price Index, and housing starts were the highest in nearly eight years however, the pace of existing home sales slowed in August. The Federal Reserve opted to keep the federal funds rate near zero at its September meeting, which some observers interpreted as a lack of confidence in the U S economy But la ter remarks by Fed Chair Janet Yellen caused markets to surge, albeit temporarily Yellen cited improving labor conditions and expectations for an increase in inflation as reasons to expect a rate hike before the end of the year On the budget front, Congress narrowly avoided another government shutdown, extending agency funding through December 11.In bond markets, the Barclays U S Aggregate IndexTerms Definitions. X data-content Bloomberg Barclays U S Aggregate Represents the U S investment-grade fixed-rate bond market data-html true class hedge gained 1 2 Bonds were volatile, though yields trended lower as concerns about China s economy triggered an initial wave of buying Yields came under renewed pressure following the Fed s decision to keep rates on hold The benchmark 10-year Treasury note s yield ended 32 basis points lower at 2 04 The low price of crude oil weighed on the outlooks for inflation and the businesses of energy-related issuers Treasury Inflation Protected Securities and high-yield corporates shed 1 1 and 4 9 , respectively Corporate spreads to Treasuries widened 24 basis points and corporate bonds gained 0 8 Despite an August lull, activity in the new issue market was fairly brisk, with Gilead Sciences 10 billion bond sale among the notable deals Municipal bonds gained 1 7.European stocks fell amid the turmoil in China and mixed reports about the health of the eurozone economy Commodity producers and companies that derive a significant portion of their revenues from Asia had some of the biggest declines, although the losses extended across all sectors and all national markets in the 19-member euro zone Overall, the MSCI Europe IndexTerms Definitions. X data-content MSCI Europe MSCI Europe Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure results of more than 10 developed equity markets in Europe data-html true class hedge retreated 7 , its worst quarterly fall since 2011.Eurozone economic activity rose just 1 5 on an annualized basis as both Germany and France grew at a slower pace than expected Inflation declined slightly in September, fueling speculation that the European Central Bank may increase its 60-billion-a-month bond-buying program in an attempt to spur lending and boost consumer prices Bonds rallied after ECB President Mario Draghi confirmed that the central bank stands ready to provide additional monetary stimulus if inflation weakens further Eurozone inflation is running far below the ECB s target of just under 2.Concerns about the debt crisis in Greece waned as snap elections on September 20 solidified the power base of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras The prime minister briefly resigned in August in a maneuver widely interpreted as a bid to shore up support for an 86 billion bailout plan he negotiated over the summer with European leaders Easily re-elected, Tsipras now has a mandate to move forward with the plan, which calls for strict austerity measures in exchange for further financial aid from eurozone lenders and the International Monetary Fund. Energy and materials stocks suffered the biggest losses, declining 14 and 18 , respectively Oil giants BP, Royal Dutch Shell and Total were among the top detractors in the MSCI Europe IndexTerms Definitions. X data-content MSCI Europe MSCI Europe Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure results of more than 10 developed equity markets in Europe data-html true class hedge as falling oil prices continued to weigh heavily on earnings BASF shares slipped as lower oil prices put pressure on its chemical and energy-related businesses Shares of mining giant Glencore plummeted amid the ongoing slump in commodity prices and rising concerns about the company s ability to service its heavy debt burden. The consumer discretionary sector was also hit hard, losing 9 on China-related woes and an emissions scandal in the German auto industry Volkswagen shares tumbled af ter the automaker admitted to U S regulators that it cheated on emissions tests, making it appear that its diesel engines were running cleaner than they really were Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn resigned as U S authorities launched civil and criminal investigations into the matter Other German automakers, including Daimler and BMW, also fell on the Volkswagen news, as well as concerns about slowing demand for luxury cars in China. In the financials sector, shares of HSBC declined sharply amid investor worries about its heavy exposure to China The British bank derives roughly 70 of its earnings from Asia Banks with major business operations in emerging markets, including Spain s Banco Santander and the U K s Standard Chartered, experienced some of the biggest declines European financial stocks fell 8 in aggregate Industrial stocks also slipped 8 amid growing fears about slowing global economic growth and a potential hard landing in China Shares of German industrial giant Siemens fell 12.Defensive stocks and government bonds held up better, including large utilities and consumer staples companies Shares of food giant Nestl rose amid higher-than-expected sales growth in the first half of the year National Grid, the world s largest utility company, rallied as investors sought the relative safety of dividend-paying stocks In bond markets, European sovereign debt advanced on expectations of additional monetary stimulus from the ECB The yield on Germany s benchmark 10-year note declined 21 basis points to finish the month at 0 59.Japan was among the worst-performing developed stock markets The MSCI Japan IndexTerms Definitions. X data-content MSCI Japan MSCI Japan Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market results of Japan data-html true class hedge shed 14 , hurt by concerns about slowing economic growth in China, one of Japan s largest trading partners Pessimism about the state of Japan s economy als o weighed on shares The yen rose 2 against the U S dollar Overall, the MSCI Pacific Index Terms Definitions. X data-content MSCI Pacific MSCI Pacific Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization - weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market results across 5 Developed Markets countries in the Pacific region data-html true class hedge fell 13.In Japan, the materials sector had the worst returns as worries about China s growth drove commodity prices down, hitting stocks of firms such as Nippon Steel Plunging commodity prices also hurt trading houses such as Mitsubishi and Itochu, which declined 26 and 21 , respectively The utilities sector was the best performer, shedding 3 , as cheaper fuel prices boosted the earnings of power generators Tokyo Electric Power, the nation s largest utility, rose 19.All automakers lost ground amid reports of slowing car sales in China Toyota, Honda and Nissan declined 14 , 10 and 13 , respectively Toyota shares slipped in August after explosions in the port city of Tianjin forced the firm to temporarily shutter the company s largest production facility in China amid safety concerns Elsewhere in the consumer discretionary sector, shares of Sony declined 16 as investors reacted negatively to the company s plans for its first share sale in 26 years Meanwhile, doubts about Panasonic s ability to meet its full-year guidance figures sent its share price down 28 Concerns about slowing smartphone sales in China hurt electronics components maker Murata, which declined 28 China also weighed on the shares of factory automation company Fanuc. Mobile carrier and Internet provider SoftBank shed 24 The firm s equity investments in U S subsidiary Sprint, Chinese e-commerce firm Alibaba and Yahoo Japan all declined in value In addition, SoftBank and rival Japanese wireless carriers NTT DoCoMo and KDDI fell after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ordered a government minister to study ways to lower mobile phone bills for domestic consumers E lsewhere, large Japanese banks were weighed down by concerns about the impact of declining equity markets on their extensive stock holdings In contrast, convenience store operator Seven I gained 4 after forecasting a record operating profit for the current fiscal year. Weak economic data sparked fresh doubts about Abe s drive to boost growth and inflation Gross domestic product in the second quarter contracted by an annualized 1 2 from the previous quarter, hurt by declining business investment and weak private consumption In August, industrial production fell and export growth slowed for the second consecutive month Meanwhile, inflation ran well below the central bank s 2 target, which it hopes to reach next year Excluding energy and fresh food, prices rose 0 8 in August. The MSCI Australia Index Terms Definitions. X data-content MSCI Australia Index MSCI Australia Index is a free float - adjusted market capitalization - weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performa nce of Australia data-html true class hedge fell 7 as lower oil and metals prices hurt energy and materials stocks Mining giant BHP Billiton slumped 15 The company took a 2 8 billion write-down on its U S shale gas assets Origin Energy shed 47 after it cut its dividend, announced a share sale and reported a loss for the fiscal year Elsewhere, shares of the big four Australian banks declined on fears that stricter capital requirements would dampen future shareholder returns Economic data was bleak, eliciting talk of a possible recession Second-quarter GDP grew just 0 2 , hampered by lower exports Consumer confidence fell in September and business confidence slipped in August. Hong Kong stocks declined, caught up in the rout of mainland-listed stocks The MSCI Hong Kong IndexTerms Definitions. X data-content MSCI Hong Kong Index MSCI Hong Kong Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization - weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market results of Hong Kong data-html tru e class hedge sank 16 , also hurt by weak economic data in China Exchange operator Hong Kong Exchanges Clearing fell 34 due to disappointing earnings and fears that the Chinese equity market decline would depress trading volumes Meanwhile, insurer AIA lost 21 amid concerns about its exposure to weakening Southeast Asian currencies and a slowing Chinese economy. Emerging Markets. Emerging markets equities declined sharply amid concerns over slowing growth in China, weak commodity prices and uncertainty over the timing of a U S interest rate increase The MSCI Emerging Markets IMITerms Definitions. X data-content MSCI Emerging Markets Investable Markets MSCI Emerging Markets Investable Markets Index measures large, mid and small-cap segments, covering approximately 99 of the free float-adjusted market capitalization of more than 20 emerging equity markets data-html true class hedge plummeted 18 as all sectors experienced double-digit losses Investor uneasiness also weighed on emerging market s currencies and debt Several currencies hit multiyear lows against the U S dollar following an unexpected devaluation of the renminbi in August Local currency debt, as measured by the J P Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified index Terms Definitions. X data-content J P Morgan Government Bond Index Emerging Markets GBI-EM Global Diversified The J P Morgan Government Bond Index Emerging Markets GBI-EM Global Diversified covers the universe of regularly traded, liquid fixed-rate, domestic currency emerging market government bonds to which international investors can gain exposure This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and or distributions but do not reflect the effect of account fees, expenses or U S federal income taxes data-html true class hedge fell 11 in U S dollar terms. The MSCI China IMI Terms Definitions. X data-content MSCI China IMI MSCI China IMI is a free float-adjusted market capitalization - weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market results of China data-html true class hedge declined 23 In August, Chinese monetary authorities devalued the currency, sparking fears that a perceived slowdown in China s growth was worse than anticipated The central bank responded to the ensuing market volatility by cutting interest rates for the fifth time since last November and lowering the bank reserve requirement ratio Profits at Chinese industrial companies fell 8 8 in August from a year ago, adding to fears of deteriorating economic conditions in the country Shares of raw material producers and energy companies fell significantly. China s weakness weighed on other markets in Asia Indonesia s stock market declined 25 as growth fell to its slowest pace in six years, and its currency touched its lowest point since 1998 Malaysia shares declined amid a widening political scandal and a tumbling currency that has weakened to a 17-year low Elsewhere in Asia, equities in Taiwan and South Korea each declined by double digits India s stock market was more resilient than that of most emerging markets countries, as the government s economic reforms have been viewed positively over the past year However, the MSCI India IMITerms Definitions. X data-content MSCI India IMI MSCI India IMI is a free float - adjusted market capitalization - weighted index that is designed to track the equity market performance of Indian securities listed on the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange data-html true class hedge still declined 6.Brazilian equities lost 34 , hurt by declining commodity prices, slowing growth in China and the corruption scandal involving state-run energy giant Petrobras Brazil s economy fell into recession in the second quarter, and the deteriorating fiscal and economic outlook led Standard Poor s to cut the country s credit rating to below investment grade for the first time since 2008 The Brazilian real fell 22 , retreating to its lowest level ever against the dollar Other Latin American countries also struggled The MSCI Colombia IMI shed 24 , while the Colombian peso also retreated to an all-time low in the face of weak commodity prices. Russia s economy shrank 4 6 in the second quarter from a year ago, deepening its recession Russia s central bank cut its key interest rate for the fifth time this year, trying to stimulate the sluggish economy without increasing an inflation rate that has held above 15 in recent months Nonetheless the country remains one of the few emerging markets with a positive year-to-date return, rebounding from a disastrous 2014 Turkish equities slumped as the country s economic and political woes mounted Inconclusive general elections in June and mounting militant violence raised fears of a broader conflict Despite gains in September, the MSCI Greece IMI has declined more than 40 this year, the steepest decline of any emerging markets country. In debt issuance, Zambia sold 1 25 billion in eurobonds to help fund infrastructure development Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia sold 5 3 billion of bonds as falling oil prices and high public spending weighed on its finances Brazilian oil company Petrobras announced plans to raise over 830 million from the sale of local bonds to fund investments and extend its debt maturity Latvia raised 500 million from a sale of 10-year bonds to cover its state budget deficit and other financing needs Elsewhere, Hong Kong based conglomerate Swire Pacific issued 500 million of 10-year bonds, and Korea Development Bank s 10-year bond sale raised 750 million. Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value. Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectuses and summary prospectuses or the funds characteristics statement, which can be obtained from a financial professional or your relationship manager, and should be read carefully before invest ing. Statements attributed to an individual represent the opinions of that individual as of the date published and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Capital Group or its affiliates This information is intended to highlight issues and not to be comprehensive or to provide advice. Terms and Definitions. A market capitalization-weighted index based on the results of 500 widely held common stocks Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index represents the global investment-grade fixed-income markets Dow Jones Industrial Average is a price-weighted average of 30 actively traded industrial and service-oriented blue chip stocks MSCI Australia Index is a free float - adjusted market capitalization - weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of Australia MSCI China IMI is a free float-adjusted market capitalization - weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market results of China MSCI EAFE Europe, Australasia, Far East Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure developed equity market results, excluding the United States and Canada Results reflect dividends net of withholding taxes MSCI Emerging Markets Investable Markets Index measures large, mid and small-cap segments, covering approximately 99 of the free float-adjusted market capitalization of more than 20 emerging equity markets MSCI Europe Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure results of more than 10 developed equity markets in Europe MSCI Hong Kong Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization - weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market results of Hong Kong MSCI India IMI is a free float - adjusted market capitalization - weighted index that is designed to track the equity market performance of Indian securities listed on the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange MSCI Japan Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization - weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market results of Japan MSCI Pacific ex Japan Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market results of the developed markets in the Pacific region, excluding Japan MSCI Pacific Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization - weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market results across 5 Developed Markets countries in the Pacific region MSCI United Kingdom Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market results of the United Kingdom MSCI World Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure results of more than 20 developed equity markets Results reflect dividends net of withholding taxes NASDAQ is a broad-based index that measures all NASDAQ domestic - and international-based common stock listed on the NASDAQ stock market and is calcu lated using a market-capitalization-weighted methodology Represents the U S investment-grade fixed-rate bond market The J P Morgan Emerging Market Bond Index EMBI Global Diversified is a uniquely weighted emerging market debt benchmark that tracks total returns for U S dollar-denominated bonds issued by emerging market sovereign and quasi-sovereign entities This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and or distributions but do not reflect the effect of account fees, expenses or U S federal income taxes The J P Morgan Government Bond Index Emerging Markets GBI-EM Global Diversified covers the universe of regularly traded, liquid fixed-rate, domestic currency emerging market government bonds to which international investors can gain exposure This index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested dividends and or distributions but do not reflect the effect of account fees, expenses or U S federal income taxes.
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